"Preparing the Next Generation for a Pluralistic World: The Need to Tea" by Terrance Jermayne O'Neil




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Reginald Weems


Youth, Theology, Apologetics, Culture, Christian, Ministry


Christianity | Practical Theology | Religion


The continuation of Christianity is rooted in the historical practice of the preceding generation theologically educating the next generation. This process has led to the spreading of the gospel throughout the world. However, in recent years, the Christian church has watched an entire generation walk away from the faith. Many youths who affirmed their faith in Christ are abandoning their confessions and practice. The challenges and skepticism of a pluralistic and relativistic culture have questioned historic Christianity. Regretfully, Christian youth are unable to respond theologically and accurately with confidence. The church has failed to prepare them. This study sought to explain the missing component in youth ministry education and provide the theological solution to ensure that the next generation is prepared to continue to spread the historic Christian faith in the world. This study consists of pre and post-assessments, surveys, and systematic theological instruction for youth. The result of this study is to help other churches develop a theological education program for youth that will prepare them to continue in the Christian tradition.
