"A Study on Alternatives for Next Generation through Vitalizing Family " by Eunjick Cha


Eunjick ChaFollow




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Yoojung Lee


Family Worship, Next Generation, Church Growth


Christianity | Practical Theology | Religion


This thesis aims to highlight the necessity of family worship for the succession of the next generation's faith by studying the effect of the revitalization of family worship on the transmission of faith to the next generation. The growth of Korean churches in the past has grown so rapidly that it is hard to find in the history of churches around the world. However, despite the fact that there are various forms of worship and training programs, in the 21st century, Korean churches are experiencing a slowdown in church growth along with the stagnation of Sunday School. There may be various causes, but one of the causes is the negligence of family worship, which can be seen as the basis for teaching and transmitting the Word in the home. This researcher analyzes and synthesizes programs for revitalization of family worship and family worship conducted by churches including one church centering on Daegil Church, as well as conducting family worship for the transmission of faith to the next generation. It focused on providing family worship. This study aims to inform the Korean churches of the need and effective family worship, and suggests what directly affects the transmission of faith to the next generation through family worship.
