


School of Music


Doctor of Worship Studies (DWS)


Jamie R. Coates


Intergenerational, Worship, Youth, Worship Model, Multigenerational, Generation Z


Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Music | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


King David declared that one generation should proclaim the goodness of the Lord to another, yet what David writes of cannot take place in an age-segregated setting. Multiple generations must be present. Much progress has been made regarding the church’s acknowledgment of the significance of an intergenerational worship (IGW) model. Though each generation is precious to God and created in His image, IGW holds considerable benefits for churched youth, as it is one of the few places in society where youth can intentionally connect with older generations. Despite the importance of youth engagement in IGW, there is a limited amount of research concerning the benefits of an IGW model for the youth of the church, and even less literature pertaining to the specific factors that may contribute to a lack of youth buy-in regarding an IGW paradigm. Therefore, this qualitative historical study will show that the benefits for youth related to a practice of IGW involve opportunities for mentorship, meaningful relationships, intentional training in worship and liturgical leadership, and connection with the entire church body. Additionally, this project will demonstrate that youth who consistently engage in IGW are more likely to stay in church as young adults because they understand the benefits of intergenerationality. Finally, this study will examine factors that may contribute to lack of buy-in among youth toward an IGW model, including an unbalanced approach in planning liturgical elements, as well as youth being denied a place of service and being underrepresented in the planning and leadership process.
