


School of Education


Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD)


Michael Patrick


Rural, Secondary Education, Poverty, Technical Center


Education | Educational Leadership


The purpose of this collective case study design was to understand how poverty impacts rural secondary education classrooms. Participants were a collection of educators and students that are involved in an impoverished area of West Virginia. The central phenomenon of poverty for educators working in the secondary school at a technical center was addressed. Student issues were also addressed through the circumstances educators face in the classroom. The theory guiding this study was Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which depicts how foundational physical needs must be met in order to excel to higher levels of success. A collective case study was utilized in order to conduct an in-depth investigation. Research questions investigating the effects of poverty in secondary education were asked to 12 participants to discover how each concept of Maslow’s theory is involved in educational hardships. Interviews and focus groups were conducted to provide participants the opportunity to explain their experience with poverty’s impact in rural secondary education. A collection of artifacts were analyzed and member checks were performed to assist in minimizing any form of bias within the study.
