"Rural Tennessee Elementary School Teachers' Experiences in Implementin" by Lori Ann Riley




School of Education


Doctor of Education in Curriculum & Instruction (EdD)


Billie Jean Holubz


BYOT, Technology, Diffusion of Innovations Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, Digital Technologies




Many rural elementary school students and teachers have experienced challenges related to Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) into the classroom. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand how teachers at a rural elementary school in the Southeastern United States implemented BYOT within an educational setting. Twelve elementary school teachers participated in the study focused on four research questions: (a) How do rural elementary school teachers implement BYOT? (b) How do the teachers describe their preparation for teaching in a classroom where BYOT has been implemented? (c) How do teachers describe their own transitions from a traditional classroom to a classroom where BYOT has been implemented? (d) How do teachers share BYOT ideas among colleagues? This study utilized the theoretical framework of Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory and Bandura’s social cognitive theory. Purposeful sampling was used to identify rural elementary school teachers who have taught for at least five years in a traditional classroom. Data was collected using interviews from 12 teachers with at least three years of BYOT experience and at least five years of traditional classroom experience. Twelve participants were also observed and participated in two focus groups. Individual interviews and the two focus group interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed, and coded. Data analysis consisted of with-in case analysis and descriptive coding, organizing, and synthesizing of emerging themes using NVivo software. Trustworthiness was addressed through triangulation and member checks.

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