"Universal Leadership Model" by Derwin Lamont Hickman Sr




Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Dwight C. Rice


Leadership, Church, Ministry, Pastors, Training, Discipleship


Christianity | Counseling | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The Great Commission is the call of Jesus to his people to go out into the world and make disciples. The universal leadership model presents an opportunity for disciples/leaders to step up and fulfill the Great Commission. The church should be involved in discipleship training, outreaches and supporting the issues that are aligned with Christian ideology and important to people in the communities they serve. An effective universal leadership model should include diversity, training, desired change, accountability and effectiveness of change. In so doing, the church can then find parishioners within the church who may be transformed into disciples/leaders and communities will become stronger because of the immersion of disciples into our communities. The researcher utilized a 50-question anonymous survey taken by 161 participants. The questionnaire was presented electronically to Christians and non-Christians over the age of 18. The data gathered should encourage leaders to lead from the top, re-evaluate disciple/leadership training programs and to develop leaders with a heart for fulfilling the Great Commission.
