"The Qualities of the Worship Leader Perceived to Engage Others to Serv" by Dawn H. Cochran




School of Music


Doctor of Worship Studies (DWS)


Gabriel Miller


Character Qualities, Discipleship, Spiritual Leadership, Worship Leader, Worship Ministry, Worship Teams


Christianity | Leadership Studies | Liturgy and Worship | Religion


The person serving in the role of the worship leader represents one of the primary positions of leadership within the Church. In the corporate worship setting, the worship leader is entrusted with the responsibility of fostering an atmosphere that is conducive to active participation, but may lack the proper skills needed to accomplish this task. This thesis project proposes that the worship leader must demonstrate the essential qualities necessary to engage others to serve in the worship ministry. This project will focus on four specific qualities that are crucial in this process: character, capability, commitment and chemistry. Through the examination of biblical examples and godly characters, discoveries can be gleaned and modeled for the worship leader serving in today’s culture. The relationship that is formulated between the worship leader and the ministry participants is one that requires interpersonal skills on a genuine level. This qualitative research performed in conjunction with interviews of current ministry participants and worship leaders serving in other churches, will be conducted to determine the significance that this truth has upon his/her participation. The results of these findings will include a step-by-step practical approach for implementing these qualities that should assist the worship leader in a clearer understanding of his/her impact on the lives of those serving in the worship ministry and the corporate body of the Church.
