"Learning Strategies of Secondary School Technology Education Teachers " by Michael Ray Craft




School of Education


Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD)


Kevin Struble


ATLAS, Technology Education, Learning Strategies




The United States has long been known as a nation of innovators and doers, supported by an educational system based on these concepts; however, our school systems have had problems producing students prepared to retain the United States as a global leader. Technology Education is an exception. Technology Education provides the opportunity to apply knowledge, theory, and concepts to real-world applications through the use of activities that encourage innovation and creativity. This study used a quantitative causal comparative design to investigate the learning strategies of secondary school Technology Education teachers and their students, distribution of learning strategies in the Technology Education courses, and the differences in learning strategies across the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) program areas. Technology Education teachers and students in selected programs across Virginia took the Assessing the Learning Strategies of Adults (ATLAS) instrument, which placed them in a learning strategy category of navigator, problem solver, or engager, and completed a short demographic survey about gender, Technology Education program, grade, and age. A Chi Square Test of Independence was used to see if there were significant differences in the learning strategies of Technology Education teachers and their students, and also if there was a significant difference in learning strategies among the ITEEA program areas. It is hoped that this study will provide insight into the learning strategies in Technology Education so that programs and curriculum can be developed that improve the overall effectiveness of the instructional process.

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