


School of Education


Doctor of Education in Curriculum & Instruction (EdD)


D.J. Mattson


Mnemonic, Student Achievement, Career and Technical Education, Health Science, Keyword Mnemonic, Visual Mnemonic, Medical Terminology


Education | Health and Physical Education


Meaningful quantitative research studies require the use of instruments that have acceptable validity and reliability. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the Medical Terminology 350 Final Test (MT350) in a population of secondary health science students. The MT350 is an assessment instrument that measures participants’ recall of medical terminology meanings and is currently being used to assess learning in health science education. A review of literature has revealed a lack of psychometric analysis of the commonly used MT350. Past practice has suggested instruction that uses mnemonics can favorably influence medical vocabulary retention, but an absence of valid and reliable assessment instruments prevented the proper research of the practice. Archival and anonymous data from completed MT350 results was used. Participants in this study consisted of secondary health science students from Tennessee and Missouri with a total sample size of 102 students. Internal consistency was determined through reliability analysis using KR20. Content validity was established through a review by 10 content experts from the fields of health and education. The experts were asked to rate each of the 350 items on a 3-point Likert type scale (3 = essential, 2 = useful, but not essential, 1 = not necessary). It was concluded that the Medical Terminology 350 Final Test (MT350) is a reliable measure of medical terminology retention.
