"An Educational Intervention to Raise Obesity Awareness, the Importance" by Cindy L. Thomas




School of Nursing


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


Dana Woody


Obese, 5 A’s Model, Follow-up, Weight Loss, Preferred Terms, Referral


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


Obesity is a national epidemic that affects approximately 40% of adult Americans. A lack of advanced practitioner (AP) knowledge about obesity and follow-up may contribute to the obesity epidemic. Diagnosing obesity and beginning prompt weight loss (WL) management with the aim to prevent the development or progression of chronic illnesses associated with obesity is imperative. Research has shown that WL of 5% to 10% of initial body weight can reverse or reduce the onset of chronic illnesses. The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) scholarly project was to raise the awareness of weight management resources among APs caring for patients with a BMI of 30 or greater in a sleep center. The project leader performed a pre- and post-intervention chart audit to measure the APs’ knowledge about obesity, need for follow-up, and use of interventions and strategies to support WL. The 5 A’s Model was used to educate the APs while discussing effective communication to introduce preferred terms when addressing obesity. A written referral was developed for the APs to refer obese patients to follow-up with their primary care provider (PCP) for a WL plan. The results of this EBP project showed an improvement of 37% from pre-intervention to post intervention use of WL referrals indicating statistical significance. The post-survey revealed the educational intervention addressing obesity was useful and within the last month the APs integrated the 5 A’s Model and the written referral into practice and plan to use these strategies for at least a year. APs play a pivotal role in the obesity epidemic. As evidenced by this project, APs must utilize strategies and recommendations about WL. Their efforts will support the prevention and reversal of chronic disease related to excess weight; and ultimately impact the financial and psychosocial burdens associated with the obesity epidemic.
