"A Phenomenological Study of the Impact on Collaboration as Perceived b" by Vaughn Hammond




School of Education


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Randall Dunn


Case Management, Collaboration, Individualized Education Programs, Software, Special Education, Technology


Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Methods | Higher Education | Instructional Media Design | Online and Distance Education | Other Education


The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to gain a deeper, richer understanding of how educators’ use of software to manage individualized education programs (IEPs) impact collaboration in the IEP process. Research questions included: (a) What are the challenges identified by educators when using software to manage IEPs? (b) What are the benefits identified by educators when using software to manage IEPs? (c) What are educators’ perceptions on the impact using software to manage IEPs has on the collaboration among the IEP team? (d) What are educators’ perceptions of the use of software on increasing collaboration skills? Educators from the state of Alaska participated in the study. Data was collected from interviews, focus group sessions, and observations. The data was analyzed using reflective analysis procedures. The perceptions indicate that the use of software to manage IEPs did not directly impact the collaboration of the IEP team. This could be a lack of understanding from the participants regarding collaboration or how the software was actually used.
