


School of Education


Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD)


Shariva White


liberal arts, faculty, hbcu, enrollment




The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to understand how liberal arts faculty members at a small private historically black college are affected by unstable student enrollment. The institution is being affected by various states of unstable student enrollment, which naturally creates many challenges. The study utilized the hermeneutic phenomenological approach, and the cognitive appraisal theory as the theoretical framework. The cognitive appraisal theory is based on how individuals mentally process an event or a condition. In application to this study, liberal arts faculty members are in a challenging environment, and how do they mentally process it as an individual. Furthermore, the research included qualitative trends and patterns associated with national enrollment trends in higher education. The crux of the study was to develop an understanding of the experiences of liberal arts faculty members at a small private historically black institution in relationship to their student enrollment situation. Data collection entailed personal interviews, focus groups, and document analysis. Interviews were compared to focus group results to provide an additional layer of data to determine if there were commonalities and similar experiences across participants. Three distinct themes emerged exhibiting how enrollment impacts faculty on a granular and individualized basis.

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