
3MT - Three Minute Thesis


Nationalism played a critical role in the formation of what is now Europe. It has led the way to new nations, wars, rivalries, and distrust. But it is an important area in history that needs more attention, particularly in 1848. It was a year of revolutions and for some nations true change, but for many nations that experienced revolution, they were put down. In Italy, Giuseppe Mazzini tried and failed numerous times to liberate Italy from Austrian rule and then to unify it. Much of Europe experienced a famine that left many destitute and forced millions to immigrate to America. This famine mainly affected the potato crop, a staple of the Irish diet, and when the potato crop failed, many in Ireland perished from hunger or abandoned Ireland and fled to the United States. Some in Ireland became frustrated with England’s handling of the situation and sought to take matters into their own hands, which led to the formation of Young Ireland, a nationalist movement that sought emancipation for Catholics, a repeal of the Union, and who wanted a reinvigoration of Irish traditions. Leaders like John Mitchel, Charles Duffy, and Thomas Meagher believed that the only path to freedom lay with rising up in arms against the British. Despite Meagher’s skills as a leader, his efforts were not successful as many Irish nationalists were arrested and sent to Australia. This movement laid the foundation for the Irish Republican Army, which achieved freedom for Ireland seventy-three years later.




Apr 18th, 1:30 PM

Young Ireland: An Investigation into the Events of 1848

3MT - Three Minute Thesis

Nationalism played a critical role in the formation of what is now Europe. It has led the way to new nations, wars, rivalries, and distrust. But it is an important area in history that needs more attention, particularly in 1848. It was a year of revolutions and for some nations true change, but for many nations that experienced revolution, they were put down. In Italy, Giuseppe Mazzini tried and failed numerous times to liberate Italy from Austrian rule and then to unify it. Much of Europe experienced a famine that left many destitute and forced millions to immigrate to America. This famine mainly affected the potato crop, a staple of the Irish diet, and when the potato crop failed, many in Ireland perished from hunger or abandoned Ireland and fled to the United States. Some in Ireland became frustrated with England’s handling of the situation and sought to take matters into their own hands, which led to the formation of Young Ireland, a nationalist movement that sought emancipation for Catholics, a repeal of the Union, and who wanted a reinvigoration of Irish traditions. Leaders like John Mitchel, Charles Duffy, and Thomas Meagher believed that the only path to freedom lay with rising up in arms against the British. Despite Meagher’s skills as a leader, his efforts were not successful as many Irish nationalists were arrested and sent to Australia. This movement laid the foundation for the Irish Republican Army, which achieved freedom for Ireland seventy-three years later.


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