
Oral - Textual or Investigative


This paper addresses the 2014 Yazidi Genocide and focuses on the religious and psychological manifestations of the beliefs and circumstances upheld by ISIS captors and their captive Yazidi women, conversely. In 2014, ISIS slaughtered and enslaved a religious minority in Iraq, the Yazidi people. While the Yazidi men were slaughtered throughout various locations of the Sinjar region, their women, especially beautiful youths retaining virgin status, were shipped to slave markets, and sold. In captivity, each woman’s experiences highlighted stark truths about their captor’s religious fervor and sexual desires amidst their own willpower to escape. This paper argues that, though divergent in worldviews and religion, ISIS personnel shared a state of determination with their captured, Yazidi women. This topic showcases the brutality of the 2014 Yazidi Genocide and explores how ISIS personnel drew on subjective religious beliefs of virginity and marriage during their interactions with Yazidi women, determined to uphold such values and wants. Conversely, this paper also contends that the Yazidi women’s air of determination was illuminated through their circumstances, translating into escape attempts, suicide, purposeful physical deformity, secret documentation of their torture, and military involvement after escape. The author’s main research question is as follows: How did the various groups involved in the Yazidi Genocide, ISIS male fighter, ISIS women, and Yazidi women, exhibit an air of determination in their actions? The author’s main research method centered on locating, interpreting, and understanding both primary and secondary sources, with a heavy focus on grasping the religious background of ISIS, coupled with decerning the Yazidi women’s experiences in captivity. Examined sources include numerous enlightening testimonials from survivors, as well as the Quran, news articles, academic journals, and pertinent websites.




Apr 17th, 10:00 AM

Using Determination as a Contextual Drive for the Actions of ISIS and Their Enslaved Yazidi Women

Oral - Textual or Investigative

This paper addresses the 2014 Yazidi Genocide and focuses on the religious and psychological manifestations of the beliefs and circumstances upheld by ISIS captors and their captive Yazidi women, conversely. In 2014, ISIS slaughtered and enslaved a religious minority in Iraq, the Yazidi people. While the Yazidi men were slaughtered throughout various locations of the Sinjar region, their women, especially beautiful youths retaining virgin status, were shipped to slave markets, and sold. In captivity, each woman’s experiences highlighted stark truths about their captor’s religious fervor and sexual desires amidst their own willpower to escape. This paper argues that, though divergent in worldviews and religion, ISIS personnel shared a state of determination with their captured, Yazidi women. This topic showcases the brutality of the 2014 Yazidi Genocide and explores how ISIS personnel drew on subjective religious beliefs of virginity and marriage during their interactions with Yazidi women, determined to uphold such values and wants. Conversely, this paper also contends that the Yazidi women’s air of determination was illuminated through their circumstances, translating into escape attempts, suicide, purposeful physical deformity, secret documentation of their torture, and military involvement after escape. The author’s main research question is as follows: How did the various groups involved in the Yazidi Genocide, ISIS male fighter, ISIS women, and Yazidi women, exhibit an air of determination in their actions? The author’s main research method centered on locating, interpreting, and understanding both primary and secondary sources, with a heavy focus on grasping the religious background of ISIS, coupled with decerning the Yazidi women’s experiences in captivity. Examined sources include numerous enlightening testimonials from survivors, as well as the Quran, news articles, academic journals, and pertinent websites.


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