"What About The Land Promises to Israel?" by Thomas D. Ice

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This article can also be found at www.pre-trib.org.


I have on more than one occasion heard Bible teacher Chuck Missler say that there is only one piece of real estate on planet earth where God has specifically said that it belongs to a specific people and that is Israel. Yet, that specified land is the most contested on the entire planet. This is true because God has spoken specifically on the matter. The fact that God’s clear Word is contested by so many means that Satan is behind such a consensus.

The arrival of the modern state of Israel on the world scene in 1948 was a big boon to the premillennial understanding of the Bible. This vindicates—in history—our biblical belief that God has a future plan for the land of Israel and the Jewish people. In spite of these developments, there are a group of evangelicals who think that the current state of Israel has nothing to do with God’s biblical promises. How could anyone who claims to believe the Bible hold to such error?
