"One Thousand Years: Literal or Figurative?" by Thomas D. Ice

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This article can also be found at www.pre-trib.org.


Hank Hanegraaff of Bible Answer Man fame has recently delved into the field of eschatology (the study of last things) with the release of a novel called The Last Disciple,1 co-authored with Sigmund Broward. It appears that Hanegraaff has adopted the preterist position in this first novel in a series that sees the book of Revelation as having been fulfilled in the first century. “Hank is a partial preterist who holds to a view on eschatology that is similar to the position held by Gary DeMar,”2 according to DeMar’s American Vision website. The Last Disciple is being billed as a preterist counterpart to the Left Behind novel series of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.3 In the past Hanegraaff would not publicly state his views on eschatology but now is aggressively propagating them as the true biblical teaching.
