Publication Date

January 2006

Document Type



Continental Philosophy | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The Metaphysics of Religion: Lucian Blaga and ContemporaryPhilosophy is an exposition of the philosophical system of the 20th century Romanian philosopher Lucian Blaga, followed by an attempt to apply his system to issues in contemporary philosophy of religion. It is in English, but it has also been published in Romanian under the title Metafizica Religiei: Lucian Blaga si filosofia contemporana. The Metaphysics of Religion: Lucian Blaga and ContemporaryPhilosophy. Madison, NJ: Farleigh Dickenson University Press, 2006. Translated into Romanian by Geo Savulescu and Dominic Georgescu, Metafizica Religiei: Lucian Blaga si filosofia contemporana. Bucharest, RO: Self-Publishing, 2014.
