"The Importance of Art in Cross Discipline Education" by Shaye E. Beeman




School of Communication and the Arts


Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (MFA)


Sarah Hoyt


arts, art, education, cross-discipline


Arts and Humanities | Education


For years, art has been pushed under the rug. Especially in education, art is seen as less advantageous than other courses such as math, English, and science. This thesis explores the advantages of utilizing art in cross-discipline classrooms to help students learn and develop skills that will improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health. This thesis will bring into account other sources of information and data including research, case studies, and visual analyses to show: How will art improve the physical health of students? How does art increase the mental health of students? How does art improve the spiritual health of students? How is art integrated into core curriculum classrooms? What are the advantages for students when art is implemented into core curriculum classrooms? After completing the literature review, case studies, and visual analyses, a conclusion on the use of art in cross-discipline classrooms is made. As a whole, the results show that students are more likely to want to become involved and feel more apt to learn. This is because they are learning the material in an easier and more comprehensive way, thus improving their physical health. In addition, students feel a greater sense of inclusion in classrooms where they feel their learning methods are valid, thus improving their mental health. Lastly, students are able to develop skills that allow them to connect with their inner self, beyond the mental realm, and find conclusions to their spiritual health. Using these findings, this thesis presents several visual deliverables including flyers, posters, and social media advertisements. This will then allow stakeholders to act and know how to address the issue. As a result, students will be able to learn and prosper across all disciplines. Overall, the visual deliverable from this thesis will address the issue that is the use of art and its implementation in cross-discipline classrooms to raise awareness to help improve the lives of students and educators, as well as to help influence stakeholders to take action.
