


Rawlings School of Divinity


Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics (MA)


Matthew Wireman


Progressive Christianity, theological liberalism, Liberal Christianity, secularism, humanism, postmodernism


Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


The intention of this thesis is to historically track Liberal Christianity, distinguishing its different shapes, dissecting its current form of Progressive Christianity, and then refute its tenets by holding them to the standard of orthodox Christianity. This project is organized into a chronological, historical approach to Liberal Christianity followed by a comparative approach to Progressive Christianity and orthodox Christianity. The historical research aims to identify and connect common, theologically liberal elements, a distinct man-centered theology, across different historical horizons, including the delineation of modernity, postmodernism, secularism, and humanism, which are influenced and shaped by theological liberalism. Focusing on the current postmodern era, Progressive Christianity’s logical inconsistency and theological incoherence is contrasted with orthodox Christianity. Finally, the culminating purpose is to advocate for the adoption of apologetic education within the church and a renewed church culture toward intellectualism to promote biblical literacy: a priority to equip the saints in order to love God intellectually and guard their hearts so they will not fall victim to Progressive Christianity.
