"Overcoming the Myth of the Contemporary “Starving Artist”: An Explorat" by Miranda M. Myles Jackson




School of Communication and Digital Content


Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (MFA)


Edward Green


Starving Artist, Art, Design, Career, Designer, STEM


Art and Design | Graphic Design


This research explores the myth of the “starving artist” surrounding the pursuit of a career in the arts. Artists are often dubbed as starving due to the pre-conceived notion that careers in art do not provide longevity or financial stability. Due to this stigma, budding creatives are often dissuaded at home, school, or both from pursuing a career doing what they love. Arts programs are often cut and or remain underfunded, mainly due to this biased perception. Research indicates that careers in the arts have expanded exponentially due to its merge with various fields. According to both the STEM vs. STEAM Infographic archived in the National Arts Administration and Policy Publications Database and an article entitled, “STEM or STEAM. We’re missing the point” written by Vince Bertram, President and CEO of Project Lead The Way Inc., early arts education contributes to a more well-rounded and capable professional in several industries. It also shows that artists and designers in traditional and contemporary positions earn livable wages in stable careers. This study aims to produce a website featuring up to date information and inspiration for the aspiring creative. Coordinating materials and collateral will also be produced to help grow the site’s visibility and further disseminate this information to students, educators, and parents.
