


School of Communication and the Arts


Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (MFA)


Andrea Lewis


wellness, holistic wellness, gen z


Art and Design


This research project delves into the realm of holistic wellness management with a specific focus on engaging Generation Z (Gen Z). Holistic wellness encompasses a comprehensive approach to health and well-being considering physical, emotional, spiritual, social, occupational, and intellectual aspects. Members of Gen Z who are currently in college or recently graduated are the ideal candidates for holistic wellness management education as they are at the prime age to begin establishing long-term habits and lifestyles. Individuals in this age group are settling into their occupations, housing conditions, relationships, exercise patterns, nutritional habits, etc. The study employed a mixed-methods approach. It integrates a review of existing literature regarding holistic wellness with an examination of successful marketing campaigns that have effectively connected with Gen Z. This research has been conducted to create a design solution that encourages Gen Z individuals to view their wellness from a holistic standpoint while encouraging them to develop healthy and mindful practices. For example, the topics that the final solution will eventually cover include self-esteem, stress management, dietary choices, social connections, and more. Ultimately, implementing a holistic approach to wellness will result in a higher quality of life for the generation as a whole.
