


School of Music


Master of Arts in Music Education (MA)


Keith Pace


music performance, anxiety, music performance anxiety, Virginia music educators, participation, engagement, social anxiety, anxiety disorder




The purpose of this study was a qualitative analysis of how elementary general music teachers adapt their instruction to meet the needs of elementary students with anxiety disorder in Virginia public schools. The phenomenological research design described the meaning of the shared experiences by students with performance anxiety. The participants for this research consist of elementary music teachers in central Virginia. Through a survey, phenomenological information was collected about how elementary music teachers teach students with anxiety disorder. Data was collected through a survey of elementary school music teachers in central Virginia. This qualitative study employed thematic coding to look for the relationship between past data and current survey results. The study results directly correlated with prior research and the participants' survey answers. Conclusions that were drawn from this research are that music performance anxiety is a mental health phenomenon that many music teachers in Virginia lack proper training to handle the symptoms resulting from students who experience music performance anxiety. Recommendations for future research include utilizing follow-up surveys or interviews to explain why the participants chose the answers that they did and analyzing music performance anxiety research with other areas of the United States to look for correlations between music performance anxiety resources in Virginia compared with the rest of the United States of America.

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