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Library and Information Science | Scholarly Publishing


Published in The Christian Librarian [U.S.A.] 51, no. 1 (2008): 3-11. For more information about The Christian Librarian, follow this link:


Evangelicals face significant obstacles as they seek to make their publications accessible to potential readers. This study measures the extent to which evangelical scholarly journals have made their contents available in electronic form. Thirty-five journals--all active, refereed, evangelical in perspective, and published in English--were chosen for analysis. Two serials management tools and individual journal Web sites provided data regarding electronic accessibility. Twenty-six of the journals are available in some electronic form--most commonly in one or more aggregated databases. Evangelical information professionals could play a significant role in helping to make additional evangelical journal content available electronically.

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Supplementary tables provide the following information about each of the 35 journals included in this study: (1) key facts, including title, ISSN, subscription price, frequency, year of origin, etc.; (2) evidence of evangelical character; and (3) description of electronic availability in aggregated databases, on journal Web sites, and elsewhere.
