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This paper seeks to conclude whether Qtub has successfully discredited the values supported by Tocqueville to draw more Muslims to support an increased role of religion in society and influence the majority of Muslims to conduct violent jihad. It is hypothesized that Muslims agree with Qtub that Islam must be increasingly influential in society, but the majority do not seek to increase its role through, or for the purposes of, violent jihad. Differing in their views on freedom and liberty, freedom of religion and separation of church and state, and man-made laws but agreeing on the negative effects of materialism, Tocqueville impacted American society by promoting values considered “American” today that allowed for freedom, while Qtub inspired the radicalization of Islam by joining the Muslim Brotherhood and calling for jihad by all Muslims to discredit the values supported by Tocqueville. By analyzing Tocqueville’s and Qtub’s thinking on Western principles, as well as by taking into account the studies conducted, it has been concluded that Muslims agree with Qtub that Islam must the central most tenet in society, as well as support many of his other ideas, but they ultimately do not support his call for violent jihad. Overall, Qtub has inspired many Muslims to commit violent jihad but has not succeeded radicalizing all moderate Muslims. As a result, the U.S. must determine how to better engage with the Muslim world to combat violent extremism and support peace and stability in the region. If current strategies do not prove to be successful in countering Islamism, radicalization, and terrorism, the U.S. must continue to assess and evaluate its policies, as it has committed itself to the G.M.E for many decades and will face immense challenges in attempting to fully withdraw from or ignore the region.
