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Publication Date

Fall 10-28-2021


There is an incredible truth about the nature of Christ: The Son of God is a curious God who asks. And his questions are life-changing. The invitation to our need for connection, to our spiritual doubt and restlessness, can be found by exploring God’s questions. Scripture reveals that Jesus asked over 300 questions to teach, engage, and draw us closer into intimate and transformative conversation with the Son of God. Through Christ’s questions, we journey deeper into a Kingdom existence and are taken by the truth of his love and desire to walk in union with us, his Kingdom preparations for us, and the relevance of his promises to our lives. Let Jesus ask—and he’ll ignite your imagination, intellect, heart, and soul.


Faculty Author Series with Cara L. T. Murphy- includes a presentation on her book, The Inquisitive Christ: 12 Engaging Questions, and an author signing.

Cara L. T. Murphy is an Assistant Professor in the Liberty University School of Divinity. Cara trains students toward a passion for knowing the God of the Scriptures. With her husband and two daughters, she lives in Virginia and adventures in County Kerry, Ireland, seeking more of God in all the unveiled places. Cara is a pilgrim who reads constantly, cultivates both conversations and her roses, and in all things, desires journeying deeper into the wild country of the Living Word. Cara holds a Master of Arts in Religious Studies, specializing in biblical languages.
