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Natural Law and the Founding of America

Jillian Fournier

Biblical Perspectives on Government

Biblical Basis of Civil Government

Analeise E. Wasenius

Biblical Perspectives on Government

Fellowship is Fundamental to a Flourishing Community

Drew Varner

Biblical Perspectives on Government

Christianity and Locke: An Investigation of Resistance Theory

John Kebles

Biblical Perspectives on Government

The Christian Theory of History in the Political Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd

Zane Richer

Biblical Perspectives on Government

The Nature of Mimicry: An Evaluation of Political Party Conflict and Its Implications in the United States

Bridget Gallagher

Evaluating the Culture Wars

United We Rise

Alexander Averin

Evaluating the Culture Wars

The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Slavery

Johnny B. Davis

Evaluating the Culture Wars

Compassion, Respect and Governance: How Legislative Gender Quotas Influence Physical Integrity Rights

Daniel Partin

Evaluating the Culture Wars

Minimum Sentences, Maximum Suffering: A Proposal to Reform Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

Jordan Ramsey

Questions of Justice: Past and Present

Critically Analyzing American Constitutionalism

Daniel Harris

Questions of Justice: Past and Present

The Government Cannot Grant Personhood: How Eugenics Has Engulfed our Society and Violated Inalienable Rights

Emily Paige Huseman

Questions of Justice: Past and Present

Evaluating the New York State Bail Reform Act: What impact does it have on law enforcement?

Nicholas Cole

Questions of Justice: Past and Present

The Twilight of Liberty: Lessons for the United States from Rome’s Dying Republic

Matthew McCracken

Violence vs, Reform

Judges 20:48

Dorien Porter

Violence vs. Reform

Accessibility of Bomb Ingredients

Elizabeth Wilson

Violence vs. Reform

Protecting Violent Free Speech and Combatting True Homicidal Threats in Cyberspace

Aimee Lillie

Violence vs. Reform

The Morality of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Emma C. Penrod

Violence vs. Reform