Publication Date

Spring 4-23-2019


School of Health Sciences


Exercise Science: Pre-Professional


power, power training, exercise, visual input, visual removal, stability, balance, cardiorespiratory, resistance, flexibility, neuromotor, visual system, vestibular system, somatosensory system


Exercise Physiology | Exercise Science | Sports Sciences


Because power training has been known to augment stability, the purpose of this study was to assess whether the removal of visual input affects lower limb muscle power production in young women who are resistance trained to the same degree it affects the untrained. This provided insight as far as the need for resistance training protocols in a largely untrained visually impaired population. To study this, fourteen college-aged female participants (18-23 years) performed a seated double-leg press on a leg sled machine, isolating power production of the lower limbs. After establishing baselines, which involved finding an average of power produced during five trials, the subjects were asked to close their eyes for the following set of five pushes. The power production was assessed by utilizing a Tendo Unit, with placement on one of the limbs of the machine, to measure power output during leg extension (measured in Watts). Statistics analyzed in SPSS determined the average power deficit of the athletic population to be 11.57 Watts, whereas the general population had an average power deficit of 37.43 Watts. The deficits experienced by each respective group upon visual removal were significantly different from one another, as evidenced by a p-value of .048. This accentuated the power-trained group’s resilience. A suggested training plan regimen including cardiorespiratory, resistance, flexibility, and neuromotor exercises has been appended for persons experiencing visual impairment and seeking to better their balance through power.
