Publication Date

Fall 2018


School of Communication


Digital Media and Communication Arts


Ultrasound, Technology, Abortion, Pro-Life, Fetal Development, Documentary, Creative Thesis


Film Production | Other Film and Media Studies


Abortion is a very prevalent occurrence in the U.S. and for some time has even been encouraged as emergency birth control. However, many women are not educated about the life they are terminating when deciding to have an abortion. In fact, many women are even lied to in order to persuade them to have an abortion because abortion clinics are looking to profit. Technology like ultrasounds help women see, hear, and understand the physical life that is growing in them, and can help them make an informed decision. This documentary takes a closer look into how advanced technology can impact a woman’s decision.

Hear_No_Evil__See_No_Evil.mp4 (1378012 kB)
Hear No Evil, See No Evil documentary
