"A Divine Selection: An Exegetical Analysis of Vocational Calling" by Timothy Nguyen

Publication Date

Fall 2018


School of Divinity


Pastoral Leadership


Vocation, Calling, Call to Ministry, Christianity, Exegetical, Bible, Pastoral Ministry, Pastor


Biblical Studies | Christianity | Practical Theology | Religion


Within Christian circles, the ‘calling’ of the vocational minister is frequently abused and misunderstood and muddled by the lack of Scriptural evidence for the overused term. The focus of this research is to observe first, the current cultural climate surrounding the nature of calling, and second, to compare this understanding to the authoritative Scriptural teaching on the subject in both the Old and New Testaments. This analysis reveals that the “internal” vocational call to minister is absent from the Bible and must be replaced by an alternative the Scripture directly teaches. It is concluded that God gives man the desire to become a minister but does not audibly select leaders in the manner of biblical characters.
