"Global Studies Internship Experience and Evaluation" by Chelsea K. Cummings

Publication Date

Spring 4-24-2014


School of Religion


Global Studies


Global, internship


The thesis examines the new, transitioning Global Studies internship that is required of all GLST majors during their spring semester of Junior year. The paper evaluates the GLST internship through interviews of students who have completed their internship, those who were supervisors of an intern, and those in the GLST office. The interviews of the students and former supervisors are administered through e-mailed questionnaires and the GLST staff were interviewed personally. The purpose is to provide feedback and suggestions in hopes of bettering the internship for future interns and supervisors. Several issues were identified in the areas of the office’s communication, organization, and debriefing. The changes made since the spring of 2013 have noted within the thesis.
