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College of Arts and Sciences; School of Education


Mathematics--Teacher Certification


mathematics, education, decline, quality


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching | Science and Mathematics Education | Secondary Education and Teaching


Three main problems with current math education are negative mindsets toward math, the lagging comparison with advanced education in other countries, and ill-equipped teachers and school systems. The consequences of these problems have impacted math education by convincing students that they do not need to try at math, filling countless classrooms with ill-qualified teachers, and overall lowering the quality of U.S. math education compared to the education of rest of the world. In order to correct these problems and reverse the present and future consequences, the quality of math education must be increased. This can be done by changing the negative view of math to a positive one, offering more rigorous courses in the United States like those around the world, and equipping future teachers with better education so they will be qualified to teach in the classrooms. All across the United States, classrooms should reflect the idea that mathematics is a valuable subject, students can succeed in math, and that quality reigns supreme in the mathematics classroom.
