Publication Date

Spring 4-24-2024


School of Communication


Communication Studies: Speech Communication


transgenderism, pronouns, preferred pronouns, communication accommodation, LGBTQ, Christian


Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication | International and Intercultural Communication | Interpersonal and Small Group Communication


The issue of transgenderism has been part of prominent public and academic discussions in recent years, and ought to be addressed by communication scholars. One area of communication research that is missing from the current body of literature is the use of preferred pronoun usage among religious groups, particularly Christians. This study offers insight into this issue through a qualitative survey of the perspectives of Generation Z college students attending a Christian university. This survey was then analyzed via thematic coding through the lens of Communication Accommodation Theory. Results indicate these students have varying approaches to communicating with and about those who identify as transgender, with some gravitating toward the use of accommodating language and some gravitating toward nonaccommodation.
