"Unmasking the Holder of the Purse Strings: Countering Chinese Economic" by Rachel L. Davis

Publication Date



Helms School of Government


International Relations


China, Indo-Pacific, Economic Coercion, Political Warfare


Asian Studies | Defense and Security Studies | Economic Policy | International Relations


The Indo-Pacific is a key focal point of U.S.-China competition due to its geographical, economic, and military significance. China is using political warfare to achieve its strategic goals in the region, influencing other nations to align with its interests. Economic coercion is a key tool of this warfare. This is evident in the Pacific Islands, among America’s treaty allies, in Southeast Asia, and in South Asia. To prove itself the superior partner, maintain access to key points of land, and keep the Indo-Pacific open for trade, the U.S. must counter China’s activities. This can be achieved via a stronger economic strategy, deeper engagement with allies and partners, exposure of China’s illicit activities, and the development of a true grand strategy.
