Publication Date

Spring 5-2023


School of Business


Business: Management Information Systems


Ransomware Attacks, Mitigation Strategies, Causes and Effects, Technology, Cybersecurity, Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack, WannaCry Ransomware Attack, Kayesa Ransomware Attack


Digital Communications and Networking | Management Information Systems | Technology and Innovation


Cyber-attacks have continued to become more common throughout the past century as more people are exposed to the Internet. Every year, various studies, reports, and scholarly research is done to emphasis the rapid increase of attacks. In this honors thesis, the student sought to gather further information about the rise of ransomware attacks, various cyber threats, discuss the psychological manipulation that exist, and provided the reader with an ethical complement of cyber-attacks. Additionally, case studies from previous research have been analyzed and mitigation strategies have been explained to provide the reader with practical application. This research emphasizes in on key issues that relate to the most recent cyber-attacks and the effects that it has had on the world.
