"Worshipers at War: The Church’s Call to Praise on the Frontlines" by Keely Cox

Publication Date

Spring 4-2023


School of Music


Music: Worship Studies


Worship, Church, Praise, God, Levites


Biblical Studies | Liturgy and Worship | Other Music


As spiritual warfare wages on and battles are constantly fought, the worship leader must understand the power of worship the Church wields in the love and strength of the Lord. In order for the role of the worship leader to be fully recognized and understood as a significant part of the body of Christ, its unique history must also be examined. It can be seen in the appointment of the Levites to the ministry of the Israelite tabernacle and their leadership on the battlefield. It can be found in first-century Christian leaders who persisted to praise the one true God even while facing persecution. It can be realized in the reformers who combated the unbiblical church practices of their day by putting God’s Word into the hands of the people and putting forth forms of worship centered back on the Scriptures. As Christian churches expanded across the West, the role of the worship leader continued to hold precedence, even when liturgy, form, or style would change from one generation to the next. Even today, this position within the body of Christ exhorts the believers to worship God and glorify His name, and all the more as the days grow darker and the end draws nearer; not that the Church should function in fear, but rather in steadfast hope in a Sovereign who goes before and behind them in the trials of life.
