"Women in Kingly Genealogies: The Queens, Widows, and Prostitutes that " by Lydia Dowdell

Publication Date



School of Divinity


Religion: Biblical Studies; Religious Studies


Old Testament, Genealogies, Women in genealogies, Ancient Near East, Ancient Near East genealogies, Women in the Bible, Queens, Matrilinear Descent


Christianity | Genealogy | History of Christianity | Islamic World and Near East History | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Other Languages, Societies, and Cultures | Women's History | Women's Studies


While there are creative pieces theorizing about Tamar and her inclusion in both David and Jesus’ genealogies, there is a lack of research comparing King David’s genealogy in I Chronicles 2 with the kingly genealogies of the same time. Comparing the two shows that genealogies in the surrounding nations—Assyria, Babylonia, etc.—are lacking women. In contrast, the Old Testament is filled with kingly genealogical records that list and name women.

This thesis will touch on the differences and similarities between the kingly records/genealogies, theorize and explore the levirate marriage custom and matrilinear descent, and attempt to provide a better understanding of Tamar and what set Ancient Israelite society apart from the surrounding cultures.
