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School of Health Sciences


Biology: Biomedical Sciences


Alzheimer's Disease, Neurofibril tangles, hyperphosphorylation, Tau, Beta Amyloid Plaques, Amyloid Beta, Tau Regulation


Medical Cell Biology


Researchers familiar with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) refer to two common pathological hallmarks: β-amyloid plaques and Neurofibril Tangles (NFTs). The development of these pathologies are the leading theory to explain the cause of cognitive decline and dementia-like symptoms of individuals with AD. The literature supports the theory that NFTs are caused by the hyperphosphorylation of the precursor tau protein. However, the mechanism that causes this hyperphosphorylation is still unknown. This review seeks to evaluate the normal function of tau then analyze and expound upon the current research concerning the underlying mechanisms for the hyperphosphorylation of tau observed in Neurofibril Tangles pathologies. This will provide an additional resource for researchers looking to better understand the causation of NFTs, which can aid in the development of therapeutic agents for individuals with AD.
