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Other Social and Behavioral Sciences | Political Science | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration


Chapter Three in Issues of the Post-Communist Transition: Structure, Culture, and Justice. Edited by Stephen R. Bowers and Marion T. Doss, Jr., 2001. Monograph of the Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies Monograph Series number 29. For the William R. Nelson Institute for Public Affairs. James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.


The communists' electoral victory and the elevation of Voronin to the Presidency drew Moldova closer to the Russian Federation and raised new questions about the stability of the Dniester Moldovan Republic.

The existence of the DMR no longer serves Russian interests as it did in the past.

The prospects for confrontation between the DMR and Moldova are greater today as a result of the Communist Party victory.

While President Voronin has privately expressed his disdain for the DMR leadership, he seems willing to accept the existence of the DMR.

By the latter part of the past decade, the DMR existed primarily as a vehicle for criminal activities rather than as a bastion of Stalinism and Russian nationalism.

Weapons left behind by Soviet forces have made the DMR a major factor in illegal arms trafficking.
