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Document Type

Book Review


Other Social and Behavioral Sciences | Political Science | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration


Published in Selous Foundation. Permission has been granted by the publication to upload this contribution to Liberty University’s scholarly repository. All Rights Secured. No copy of this file may be sold or reprinted in whole or in part. To purchase the entire journal issue that contains this contribution, please visit the website of the publication (

Samson, Steven A. “Book Review: A Challenge to the Progressive Ascendancy.” Selous Foundation (2016). Accessible at


"Everybody talkin’ ‘bout heaven ain’t goin’ there.” The most popular vision of heaven these days is the prospect of some version of heaven on earth. The spirit of our times seems to embody so many possibilities. Todd Huizinga in The New Totalitarian Temptation (2016) scrutinizes the “soft utopia” of the European Union’s path to “global governance.” Mary Eberstadt in It’s Dangerous to Believe is equally critical in her analysis of the “neo-puritan” secularism that is directed at “marginalizing, silencing, and punishing its traditional competitors” via the sexual revolution. What seems to be heaven on earth is just the opposite for those on “the wrong side of history.”
