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Document Type



Arts and Humanities | Ethnomusicology | Music


This theses was completed for a Masters of Arts in Ethnomusicology at Bethel University.


Music and place are two phenomena that have been objectified by researchers in the past. This thesis treats both as social processes created by subjects in local, specific contexts. The Kalinga peace pact system forms an intricate web of bilateral agreements between forty or more culture groups in the northern Philippines. Each agreement is celebrated when it is formed or when a peace pact holder from one group passes the responsibility on to his son. This thesis examines eight musical scenes at one peace pact ceremony celebrated in the Mangali culture area in April 2005. It analyzes the music performances for markings that the Mangali and Sumadel participants utilize to create, contest, and negotiate their senses of place. Rhythms, melodies, and song texts all reveal processes of place creation in this specific celebration. Several layers of place are analyzed—insider-created versus outsider-imposed boundaries; the continuum of identities stretching from local to regional to national constructions of place; and the idea of music creating a sonic environment or soundscape.
