"When You're in the Middle of A Life Story- And You Just Want the Spoil" by Karen Prior

When You're in the Middle of A Life Story- And You Just Want the Spoilers


Karen PriorFollow

Publication Date

February 2016

Document Type



Creative Writing


Last week, I sat in an old house, at a long planked table, with a plate of salad and humus and my friend Karen Swallow Prior, and we lingered and laughed too loud, till Karen had to leave for a doctor’s appointment that involved some anxious test results. Who knew how this was really going to go — was it the beginning of a completely unwanted life detour? How would the day, this story end? Living in the middle of a story can be unspeakably hard. So we circled round Karen and enfolded her in vulnerable prayer… and waited to know the next page…Karen may be an author, a Professor of English at Liberty University, a contributing writer for The Atlantic.com and for Christianity Today, and a Research Fellow with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, but she’s mostly the realest, most down to earth, transparent, thoughtful woman — and it’s a grace to welcome the wise vulnerability of my friend Karen Swallow Prior — to the farm’s front porch today…
