
Randy HillFollow




School of Education


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Jeffrey Savage


Adjunct Instructor, Demographics, Job Satisfaction, Modality, Organizational Commitment, Perceived Fit


Community College Education Administration | Community College Leadership | Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership | Higher Education | Higher Education Administration | Higher Education and Teaching | Teacher Education and Professional Development


The purpose of this quantitative, multiple regression study was to examine the relationship between 10 adjunct instructor characteristics and organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Part-time instructors who taught for the institution during the 2012-2013 academic year completed an electronic survey with questions from three valid and reliable instruments: perceived person-organization fit (Cable & DeRue, 2002), part-time faculty job satisfaction survey (Hoyt, Howell, & Eggett, 2007), and organizational commitment questionnaire (Fields, 2002). Data from the survey was analyzed using separate hierarchical regressions to answer the following research questions: (a) Do adjunct instructor characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, education level, teaching experience, teaching discipline, outside work status, teaching load, and teaching modality [online vs. on site], discipline), and perceived fit predict job satisfaction? (b) Do any of these same adjunct instructor characteristics and perceived fit predict organizational commitment? Results indicated that the fourth block of variables (overall model) was statistically significant for both job satisfaction and organizational commitment and explained 43.1% of the variability in job satisfaction and 58.1% of the variability in organizational commitment. The individual predictor variables of gender, education level (first professional), teaching modality (online and blended), and person-organization fit individually contributed to the overall variance of job satisfaction, whereas the predictor variables of age group, ethnicity, teaching modality (online) and person-organization fit individually contributed to the overall variance of organizational commitment.
