


School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)


Andrea Bruce


professor use of student feedback, stages of feedback implementation, new timing theory, recommendations to implications of practice


Education | Educational Leadership


The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to describe the experience of using student feedback for professors at higher-education accredited institutions in the United States of America. The essential question of this research was what are the lived experiences of professors when receiving feedback from students? This research found that professors use student feedback if the feedback is found to be valid. The essence of the phenomena was found using the guiding theory of feedback intervention created by Kluger and DeNisi. The 10 professors of this study represented a combined teaching tenure of over 200 years of experience who expressed their lived experiences through the collection of three methods: feedback reflection survey, individual interviews, and a letter writing prompt. The use of Moustakas’ data analysis procedures aided in the discovery of the essence and aided this research to discover three new perceived facets to close the gap in the literature: four summarized outcomes based on Kluger and DeNisi’s feedback intervention theory, stages of feedback implementation, and a new timing theory. The three new facets are called recommendations to the three implications of practice: researchers, higher education faculty, and higher education administration to either validate or discredit the results of this study.
