Christian Premarital Training in the Local Church Setting: A Study of the Effectiveness of the SYMBIS Model In Reducing Divorce and Producing Stable and Satisfying Marital Relationships
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The state of marriage in the United States of America and inside the four walls of the local church is alarming. Marriages are going by the wayside at record numbers which has lead to family breakdown, rise in child delinquency, increased numbers of cohabiting couples and confusion in the church. It is upon this backdrop that the SYMBIS premarital program at Hyland Heights Baptist Church was birthed. The fundamental goals of the program were to virtually eliminate divorce in the church body and to significantly reduce the amount of marital counseling brought by troubled couples. In order to accomplish these goals the premarital program had to be unique, effective and scientifically based. This study presents the SYMBIS program as designed and implemented at Hyland Heights along with solid research statistics to back it up.