"Treating Veterans with Complex Traumagenic Disorders: When Childhood T" by Albert Sarno

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Counseling | Counseling Psychology | Psychology


This article was published in the Journal of Military and Government Counseling in 2014. It was reproduced here with the permission of the editors.


A proposed working approach is delineated as a methodology for treating persons with complex traumagenic disorders. It provides a format and a system of treatment, in order to help reduce the symptom clusters which occur in people who have experienced a combination of childhood trauma, as well as adult trauma, whether as a result of exposure to natural disasters, combat or war. It is argued that traumagenic resolution therapy needs to occur first, before cognitive behavior therapy can be effective. In addition a systems approach is needed to assist the person within the context of their environment, and then tasks such as parenting and other relational interactions will greatly improve. Symptom reduction will then occur, and be maintained, as the feedback loop of positive behaviors is reinforced.
