
Oral (LUO Remote) - Textual or Investigative


This presentation examines the power and impact of the propaganda of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime through a variety of methods that were implemented via the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Shortly after seizing power in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Regime quickly established the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda under the leadership of Joseph Goebbels. The Ministry created a propaganda program which was designed to appeal to the sense of national identity or nationalism, the aspirations, and the fear and weaknesses of various groups of the population. To ensure their message was being communicated successfully, they took control of all forms of media communications, such as newspapers, magazines, books, art, movies, theater, music, and radio. But it was more than just simple propaganda. This presentation will also examine how Hitler and the Nazi Regime cleverly used psychology with propaganda, on the people, in order to push their ambitious and cruel agendas. This presentation focuses on the impact of the use of propaganda by Hitler, on the people, and will analyze how the Nazi Regime used propaganda to mobilize the people to support war and conquest, how it generated general support for the regime and its’ ideals, how it motivated those who became a part of implementing the Holocaust, how it secured the reluctant agreement of millions. It will analyze the types of propaganda used, along with how it was used, the purpose of using that particular type of propaganda and the effectiveness of that type of propaganda on the people. The final focus of this presentation will examine positive and negative impact of Nazi propaganda and the significance of that impact on Germans during the before and during World War II and beyond that to the modern day.




Apr 17th, 10:00 AM

Unveiling the Power of Hitler's Propaganda: Examining the Impact of the Propaganda of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Regime on the Nation Before and During World War II

Oral (LUO Remote) - Textual or Investigative

This presentation examines the power and impact of the propaganda of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime through a variety of methods that were implemented via the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Shortly after seizing power in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Regime quickly established the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda under the leadership of Joseph Goebbels. The Ministry created a propaganda program which was designed to appeal to the sense of national identity or nationalism, the aspirations, and the fear and weaknesses of various groups of the population. To ensure their message was being communicated successfully, they took control of all forms of media communications, such as newspapers, magazines, books, art, movies, theater, music, and radio. But it was more than just simple propaganda. This presentation will also examine how Hitler and the Nazi Regime cleverly used psychology with propaganda, on the people, in order to push their ambitious and cruel agendas. This presentation focuses on the impact of the use of propaganda by Hitler, on the people, and will analyze how the Nazi Regime used propaganda to mobilize the people to support war and conquest, how it generated general support for the regime and its’ ideals, how it motivated those who became a part of implementing the Holocaust, how it secured the reluctant agreement of millions. It will analyze the types of propaganda used, along with how it was used, the purpose of using that particular type of propaganda and the effectiveness of that type of propaganda on the people. The final focus of this presentation will examine positive and negative impact of Nazi propaganda and the significance of that impact on Germans during the before and during World War II and beyond that to the modern day.


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