Publication Date

Fall 10-17-2017

Document Type

Scholarly Project


Family Practice Nursing | Nursing Administration | Other Nursing | Pediatric Nursing


The project used educational modules as a means for providing knowledge about postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS) to school nurses. It evaluated knowledge of symptoms and the referral process. A pre and post-test were used immediately prior to and following an educational module to determine gained knowledge about POTS. Participants completed a survey evaluating their perceived knowledge and comfort level to evaluate POTS symptoms and refer patients for further evaluation. One hundred percent of participants demonstrated improvement in their post-test score confirming knowledge gained in all participants. All participants reported that the modules helped them about POTS, and they felt confident or very confident in identifying criteria to recognize symptoms as well as the referral process. Participants found the educational module and associated tools helpful in identifying symptoms and feeling confident in knowing when and where to refer students who may suffer from POTS symptoms.
