"Clustering Diabetes Appointments and Education" by April Pugh


April PughFollow

Publication Date

Fall 9-6-2017

Document Type

Scholarly Project


Family Practice Nursing


Diabetes impacts the lives of millions of Americans, and the number is growing rapidly every year. Diabetes education has been demonstrated to have a positive impact of the self-management of this chronic disease and effective in the reduction of A1C, weight, and blood pressure. Barriers to attendance at both diabetes education classes and provider appointments are varied with lack of transportation and available time cited as two of the many reasons, especially in the rural and medically underserved regions of the country. The project assessed a process improvement intervention clustering diabetes education with provider appointments to increase attendance and decrease A1C, weight, and systolic blood pressure. The project, while not demonstrating statistical significance in the reduction of A1C, weight, and systolic blood pressure, resulted in a marked increase in appointment attendance and both patient and provider satisfaction with the model.
