
March 2008


Karen L. Parker

Primary Subject Area

Education, Administration


basketball, ROTC, leadership, Student Leadership Practices Inventory


This study examined the differences in the transformational leadership practices of collegiate level basketball teams and students from an Army Reserve Officers Training Program as measured by Kouzes and Posner’s Student Leadership Practices Inventory (SLPI) (2006). The purpose was to determine if ROTC students with formal leadership training obtained higher leadership scores on the SLPI than the basketball players who had not received formal leadership training. The study compared the overall mean scores of ROTC students who had participated in at least one year of formal leadership training and the players from a university men’s and women’s basketball team who had not participated in any formalized leadership training. The study also examined the difference in mean scores within each of the five leadership constructs (Model, Inspire, Challenge, Enable, Encourage). The results of the study revealed that the overall leadership score of the ROTC students was significantly higher than the basketball players. Leadership scores for the ROTC students were also higher in the constructs of Model, Challenge, and Enable. There were no statistical differences in the Inspire and Encourage constructs. It is also noted that there was no statistical difference in the leadership scores of male and female participants in this study. Results of the study suggest that formal leadership training could result in higher leadership scores for college students. Suggestions for further research are included in this study.
