


Rawlings School of Divinity


Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Charlie Davidson

Primary Subject Area

Education, Religious; Religion, General; Religion, Clergy


Church, Hometown, Pastor, Plant, Planting


Christianity | Comparative Methodologies and Theories | History of Christianity | Practical Theology | Religion


This thesis is an investigation into the advantages of planting churches in the lead planter's hometown. According to Dr. Jim Slack, missiologist for the International Mission Board, "The only feasible and viable means of planting enough churches to gain on the yearly population gains and the primarily unchurched/unsaved basic population is to plant indigenous, generationally multiplying neighborhood, `house' churches initiated by neighborhood laymen who can pastor those new churches." This claim is reinforced by the understanding that the best person to reach a national is a national within that people group who already possesses valuable connecting resources through family and friends. As a church continues to plant other churches, it will help the leaders identify and train future indigenous planters. A survey of 25 recent and experienced pastors who have stayed in their hometowns will be examined. The potential advantages of networking afforded to them because of their status will be addressed. The survey will seek to illustrate seven key reasons why pastors should consider planting a church in their hometowns.
